Note: The game does take a couple minutes to load, it isn't broken.

This game is played with WASD and mouse. Walk with the keyboard, and click to interact with different aspects of the environment. The original purpose of this program had been to supplement an online convention during the pandemic. The rooms would contain different posters based on the projects that attendees had been working. Looking at the project reveals a brief description, then clicking on the image would open a separate web page where the full project could be viewed, liked, and commented on. The projects have been removed for this demonstration, but the functionality can still be seen in the "culture" room, where you can explore the Portuguese culture.

There is a score keeping system as well, originally intended to reward people for viewing more projects than less. the primary way to earn points was to click on projects (the first time you click on a project, you earn a point. further clicks on the same project wouldn't affect the score), but there are a few NPCs to talk to, some of which offer quizzes, and there are a few eastereggs that will earn a few extra points as well.

Made withUnity

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